Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What I love about being a mom...

I have been thinking a lot lately on how blessed I am. I love being a mom. Some things I love about being a mom:

* Cayden discovering new things. Recently he has begun to talk a lot and every new word he learns is so exciting.
* Cayden's kisses. They are worth the world to me. Today he gave me a kiss just because. It makes my day!
* When Cayden gets excited to see me when I get home from classes. I just love this! He comes running yelling momma, momma!
* Reading books to Cayden. This is such a great time to spend together with him.
* Playing cars and not having to worry about being a little kid again. I love playing with Cayden.

So, I guess I am bragging about this but I do feel so blessed to be entrusted with one of our Heavenly Father's children. It makes me feel special knowing he trusts me to care for one of his precious spirits.

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